Penola woman enters in runway recycled competition

The bag of clothing Cathy Hughes used to design her dress. Photo supplied

Penola woman, Cathy Hughes, entered into the Recycled Runway event held in Mount Gambier recently.

Recycled Runway is an Anglican Church initiative and aims to encourage people to recycle, reuse and repurpose second hand clothing, and at the same time raise money for AC Care to support foster care programs and people dealing with homelessness.

Recycled Runway is an annual sewing competition.

Local designers reinvent, recreate and recycle a bag of secondhand clothing into a new outfit

It was the first time Cathy had entered the event which has been running for some 10 years.

“I have attended the event in 2020 and 2021 and they have been getting better and better each year.

When I found out that the 2022 event was going to be themed as ‘The Enchanted Forest’ I was inspired to give it a go,” Cathy said.

Entrants had to collect a $10 bag from the Bell Tower Op shop in Mount Gambier.

“My bag contained an off white petticoat/negligee, pink pyjama top, grey cotton v-neck jumper, a green cotton jumper, two doilies, a floral scarf, a purple striped chiffon shirt, a short purple cardigan and a pale blue cotton dressing gown.

I started thinking in terms of a mythical fairy, and then a friend suggested broadening my online search out to include nymphs,” she said.

Cathy said It didn’t take long to find inspiration, and instantly she knew what she was going to make.

Cathy entered the experienced section, one of four sections that were available, as she used to teach clothing design and construction at TAFESA in the 1980’s.

Apart from making the occasional patchwork quilt and soft furnishings for the home, Cathy said she hadn’t made a dress for more than three decades.

The dress is called ‘Spring Nymph’ where all the design and colour interest is focused around the face and shoulders, with a mass of grey leaves cascading over the dress, that was made from several garments dyed grey.

Tayla Waters modelled the dress and did her own makeup and hair to compliment the look of youthfullness, new beginnings and positivity.

“I was pretty pleased with my first effort, and I am looking forward to having another go next year,” Cathy said.