Dear Editor,
September is Rural Road Safety Month.
While road safety ought to be a daily priority, Rural Road Safety Month is a chance to stop and reflect on road safety and what we can all do to make our rural roads safer.
In 2023, 811 lives were lost on rural roads, representing almost two thirds of all Australian road toll.
The overrepresentation of rural and regional road users in the national fatality and serious injury statistics is very concerning and as someone who drives over 100,000 kms a year on rural roads the issue of road safety is never far from my mind.
These tragic statistics mean 811 people last year alone did not come home after travelling on a rural road and the devastating impact to the lives of their loved ones and communities is immeasurable.
First responders, sporting clubs, work colleagues, parents, children, siblings are amongst those who bear the heavy burden when a life is taken too early on our roads.
It is the responsibility of every road user across Australia to bring about long term change to reduce the number of road deaths and serious injuries, and to ensure every journey on our rural roads is a safe one.
This year, the message from the Australian Road Safety Foundation for Rural Road Safety Month is “Help sow the seeds of change. Road Safety Starts with you”.
Being fit to drive, driving to the conditions, staying focused and taking rest breaks, avoiding distractions such as mobile phones and keeping your vehicle well maintained are among some of the steps all Australians can take now to keep themselves and their loved ones safe on rural roads.
A core responsibility of Government is to ensure the road network is up to standard.
The Albanese Labor Government has allowed the national road network to fall into disrepair with billions of dollars in funding cuts and delays.
Our roads aren’t receiving the maintenance and upgrades they need.
The Coalition is committed to seeing the Federal Government achieve outcomes to reduce rural road trauma and ensure our loved ones remain in our families and communities for decades to come.
Tony Pasin MP
Member for Barker
Shadow Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Transport