Council building info session

At the meeting are concerned Penola residents Jodi Strother and Anne Miller.

By Kathy Fennell

The Wattle Range Council held a community information session in Penola last week about the proposed $9 million council offices.

The session was also attended by Mayor Des Noll and several councillors including local councillors, Dean Burrow and Chris Brodie.

Mayor Noll welcomed everyone and also introduced independent facilitator Di Ind who ran the meeting.

Council chief executive officer Ben Gower presented a step-by-step journey of the plans of the building in a powerpoint presentation.

It was a Why, When, How scenario. Why is it needed, when will it be built and how can it be afforded.

Many questions were asked from then floor including costs of the building and the consultation process.

In regard to the cost to ratepayers, Council stated it would cost an average of $15 per ratepayer.

“Council is currently cash positive, where our cash reserves are greater than the combination of our short and long term debts,“ Mr Gower said.

“While a considerable amount of these cash reserves have been earmarked for the renewal of other assets, some of it is depreciation money that has been collected over many years to fund the renewal of the current council office.“

The new building incorporates a formal chamber with a public gallery, an all-ability customer service area, interview and public meeting rooms along with two all-ability public toilets.

The back office area is more functional and can accommodate up to 80 staff in a flexible open-plan design with an appropriate allocation of meeting and collaboration spaces, lunch, toilet, shower and changeroom facilities.

Council will go into caretaker mode very soon and the final decision will be in the hands of the newly elected council early next year and if successful, will go to tender.

If approved, the new office building will not be in use until 2025.